Hey all-
What is the most straight forward method of parsing nonconsecutive date related data such as:
| weight |
6/10/2002 16.3
6/11/2002 12.2
6/12/2002 67.3
6/19/2002 34.2
6/24/2002 2.1
6/25/2002 23.8
Into a table that has a record for every day such as:
| 2000 | 2001 | 2002
6/10 23.2 14.2
6/11 34.5
6/12 78.2 31.7
6/13 67.3
6/14 99.6 34.3
6/17 29.5 45.3
6/18 1.2 1.6
6/19 67.3 87.3
with 2002 being the target column for the weight data from the first table.
My inclination is to do something with a Match:Index function...is this way too complicated? Thanks in advance for wisdom and insight.