My veterinary hospital is doing a big rabies vaccination clinic in a few weeks, and I have created an excel workbook to house all of the information. What I have going is 2 worksheets in 1 workbook, using Excel 2003. Worksheet 1 ("Info"), is where I'll log all of the owner and pet's info. Worksheet 2 ("Certificate") is where I will pull the line info from "Info" to quickly create a printable rabies certificate to give to the owner. What I would like for excel to do is always pull the info from line 2 in "Info" to fill in the blanks on "Certificate". My vision is to always plug the current info into line 2 (I will add a line after each entry, so that I am always entering on line 2). The problem that I am running in to is that on "Certificate", no matter if I make it absolute, or lock the cells, it always follows the line I just entered (if I add a new line and the original info is now on line 3, it pulls from line 3). Does anyone have any idea how to lock it between worksheets so that it always uses the info on line 2 no matter where the original info goes? I included my file for you to look at. I am extremely frustrated and have searched online for answers and can't find them. Please help!
Thank you!
Copy of Rabies Certificates.xls