I recently received some great help through post "Multiple Conditional Count Functions" and now need to build upon that somewhat.
As per attached, there is data in the master tab, columns OTSD NOMEM and Other Open NTFY. Some cells are empty, some cells contains one or more bits of data (in this case they are sets of numbers but could also be words) with each bit of data seperated by a space.
I can count the total number of sets of numbers using the array formula:
{=SUM(IF(LEN(TRIM(Master!E2:E2500))=0,0,LEN(TRIM(Master!E2:E2500))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(Master!E2:E2500," ",""))+1))}
I would like to add the functionability to only count the above when data in other columns match a value as was provided in the last post. The example was provided using a drop down solution (of which I did away with the drop down for now) as per the following:
Where A2 is the value of PM2 Required, B2 is the value of Base Location and on.
I have attached an example of the worksheet.
As before, I thank those power users for thier help!
J Morrow