I am trying to create a headcount by half hour list based on scheduled start dates and start/stop times. See attached spreadsheet with Data worksheet and Report worksheet. How can I automate the report build?
I am trying to create a headcount by half hour list based on scheduled start dates and start/stop times. See attached spreadsheet with Data worksheet and Report worksheet. How can I automate the report build?
See attached to see if I understood correctly.
You would be best to change the time columns to actual time inputs and the dates in Report changed to actual dates... you can format as mm/dd if you want....
Then formula in B5 would be:
copied down and across.
You can format the results as custom: 0;-0;;@ to hide the 0 results...
Last edited by NBVC; 05-10-2011 at 02:22 PM.
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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NVBC - thanks for the response. I didn't see an attachment though.
Sorry 'bout that...
Sorry, but I don't think I described what I am after well enough. The report should list the total number of employees working at each half hour interval. For example, on 5/9 the fourth employee starts at 10:00 a.m. At 10:00 a.m., there would be 4 employees working. The example report on my sample spreadsheet lists what the expected results would be. Than you very much for your help.
Ok, with same conditions as before... i.e. actual times in column D and E of Data... and actual dates in row 4 of Report, use formula:
copied down and across the columns.
Again, hide the 0's by formatting as custom: 0;-0;;@
Looks great! Last question: how would I automate the population of the dates in cells B4..F4?
Not sure what you mean?
Do you mean how I converted to real date?
If yes, I typed May 5, 2011 in F9 and dragged across it incremented by one day.
If you mean using a formula, then after date is entered in B4, then in C4, =B4+1 copied across....
not sure I interpreted the question correctly though...![]()
The intent is to extract the work schedule data from a database, paste it into the cells on the Data worksheet, and have the report automatically generated (i.e., the headcounts by half hour and the dates would automatically be generated - there would be no need to key in dates). I am trying to automate this process as much as possible for the end user. Thanks again for your help.
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