* I currently enter a zip code on Screen A (Entry!)
* On each row, Screen B (Zip!) calculates the distance of this zip from every zip in the US and returns a result next to each corresponding zip using this formula:
=ACOS(COS(RADIANS(90-$B2)) *COS(RADIANS(90-Entry!$I$2)) +SIN(RADIANS(90-$B2)) *SIN(RADIANS(90-Entry!$I$2)) *COS(RADIANS($C2-Entry!$I$3))) *3958.756
* On Screen C (Data!) the distances are displayed next to each record's zip code using the following formula:
I'm looking to create a formula that looks at the zip code for each record in Data!, then in the same row it returns a count of all zip codes within a certain proximity (entered in Entry!) to that zip by comparing the zip to others in the same column.
Basically, I'll be able to visually scan my Data! sheet and see how many other records are within a certain proximity to each record.
The logic in my head now is something like (where Data!$B = Zip...
Is this possible without using another macro?