Is there a way to return the Cell Address form the resukt of a Min formula, example =MIN(V7,AF7,AP7,AZ7,BJ7,BT7) the result is .99 in AZ7, i would like to retun the cell address AZ7...
as always, any help greatly appreaciated
Is there a way to return the Cell Address form the resukt of a Min formula, example =MIN(V7,AF7,AP7,AZ7,BJ7,BT7) the result is .99 in AZ7, i would like to retun the cell address AZ7...
as always, any help greatly appreaciated
Last edited by romperstomper; 05-19-2011 at 02:14 AM.
Windows 7 using Office 2007 & 2010
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The way you have it setup would make it a bit difficult. I would recommend putting the making a table. In the first column of the table would be cells that are equal to V7,AF7,AP7,AZ7,BJ7,BT7. Then in the second column of the table would be those cells' addresses. Then you could use a vlookup to find the min value in that table and return the cells' associated address. I've attached a sample workbook so you can see what I mean.
Hope that helps,
Something like
My 2?
substitute commas with semi-colons if your region settings requires
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I've personally wondered how to do that for a while - thanks!
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Thomas Lafferty
If you were only wanting to look at those specific cells because other numbers could appear in between that you wanted to exclude, then try:
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER not just ENTER![]()
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ChemistB that does the trick, thanks
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