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Excel International Decimal Separator.

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    Excel International Decimal Separator.

    Hello, we need to deal with different International Decimal Separators all the time, US and Abroad. The US uses the traditional period ("."), while the abroad files uses comma (",").

    To change from one to another we go to Tools, Options, International and click or unclick the "Use the System Separator", while the decimal and thousands separators are already setup for the abroad system.

    The problem is that Excel does not save this information within the xls file. So, opening any xls file, no matter its requirement for decimal separator, Excel will always use the last setup, no matter if this setup is the one for that file or not.

    This cause a complete havok with our international and national documentation, since we always need to pay attention (and lots of it) if the separators are in accordance to the file being edited and printed. You can imagine how much printer paper we waste printing files with wrong separator setup.

    Any way to save the setup with the file, or include a macro or auto-script with the file that automatically change this setup when the file is loaded?

    Thanks for any help, we really appreciate it.

    Last edited by wagnerlip; 04-18-2011 at 01:01 PM.

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