Hi All,
What im looking for is a formula that looks at values in 1 column and changes to a set value in another column that i can specify. example below....
LASER > Laser Printer Toners
PAPER (no change)
FAX > Facsimile Toners
INK > Ink Cartridges
CALC > Calculators
HARD > Hardware & Office Equipment
COPIER > Photocopier Toners
HACCESS > Hardware Accessories
PROMO > Promotions
RIB > Ribbons
BATTERY > Batteries
ANALOGUE COPIER > Analogue Copier Toners
I need 1 formula to work throughout the column, data from column 1 cannot be changed as it is a feed from a supplier, but we need the new values for an online store upload.
Any help would be appreciated