Hi there,
I'm creating a User Form using Excel 2007 in which the user enters an amount through text box (txtamt1) and based on which option button (credit card("opbuttccard"), b-pay("opbuttbpay"), post office("opbuttpoffice") or other("opbuttother")) the information from txtamt1 is submitted to workbook ("Ptp_Workbook"). Because the user will be using the spreadsheet constantly, the information inputted needs to be calculated as the information is updated (depending on option button selected). For example: $123 (txtamt1) and opbuttccard selected and saved, then next lot of data was $345 (txtamt1) and opbuttccard selected, on the workbook the amount in (cell.B2) should show a figure $468 and so on. The code that I have places the amount in the right cell but doesn't calculate further data that's inputted. I would also like to know if there is any way that when the user closes and saves the information collected for the day, when they open the document the next time, it shows a message box on how much $$$ they collected when the document was closed (shut down).
I hope I have made sense
Thanks heaps