I was wondering if anyone can help.
I have a spreadsheet that contains times in certain cells e.g Cell A1 contains 0900-1800
Due to a certain process. I want to add a letter to the front of the time e.g L0900-1800
I now want conditional formating Fill Cell A1 with a colour, any colour for the example.
The times in the cells are all the same format e.g 1700-2300 but can be any time period. Unfortunately its not just 4 or 5 time frames. I have tried A1="L*" but no luck.
I just cant work out how to add a letter to the front of the time and get conditional formatting to change the cell fill colour to highlight a letter has been added. (I know that it should stand out as there is a letter infront of the time, but I require a second visual guide.
Thanks in anticipation