Hey guys, I am extremely stuck
I have a spreadsheet which contains 2 workbooks.
Workbook #1 - People to find - about 2,500 rows and 5 columns
Workbook #2 - Directory - about 11,000 rows and 8 columns
I need to find all the 2,500 people from Workbook #1 in Workbook #2, and if they are in Workbook #2 then I need to put a "YES" if they are not in Workbook #2 then I need to put a "NO".
Workbook #1 - "Full Name" column is Column C
Workbook #2 - "Full Name" column is Column J
If Workbook #2 contains the Full Name from Workbook #1, on Workbook #1 in Column D I want it to say YES, if not, then NO
For example:
Workbook #1
Column C
33: Eddie Tompkins
34: Joe Black
35: Tom Hanks
Workbook #2
Column J
97: Bill Figueroa
98: Tom Hanks
99: John Dilon......................Outcome should be:
Workbook #1
Column D
33: NO
34: NO
35: YES
ALSO, I also need to fill in Column E in Workbook #1 which is "ID Number", so...since D35 in Workbook #1 has a value of YES, then I would need for it to copy the ID Number from Workbook #2 K98
For example:
Workbook #1
Column D
33: NO
34: NO
35: YESI hope this explains everything thoroughly, if anyone has any questions that they need answered about this, please ask and I shall try to explain a bit further. I am stuck and need help with this. Please helpOutcome should be:
Workbook #1
Column E
33: (empty)
34: (empty)
35: Contain cell value from Workbook #2 K98
Hey guys, this is an example of how I need for it to be/look/operate.