Hi Everyone,
This is my first post and i really need some serious help here. I am in the ticketing sales industry and i need to create a database to tabulate tickets sold and redeemed.
Cell Transaction Type Quantity Tier1 Balance
B1 Purchase 300 1 100
B2 Redeem 1 1 101
B3 Purchase 100 2 100
B4 Redeem 2 2 98
What i want to do is that : If B2 is purchase, then it will automatically add up | B1 is Redeem then it will be subtract as shown.. However, I have a Tier System here.
I have tickets of 2 different timing.Tier 1 = Morning Tier 2 = Evening.
Tour Agency will buy tickets of 2 different time. T1 / T2 and i need to keep track of the tickets sold / Redeem / Balance
Can anyone provide the formula - If B1 is purchase , tier 1, it will be a certain color, B1 if redeem will be another color of something ?
I cant figure a wayout for this formula.. please help