Ah I see thanks. So I'd have to put the data in multiple columns so Vx was next to Ax.
In the end I created a macro to just alert the values and manually filled them in (ouch, but done). If anyone is interested it is below. Ugly hard coding and magic numbers, but just needed something quick.
Sub foo()
Dim iValue As Integer
Dim retVal As Integer
Dim offset As Integer
' Every 8th row starting at (E.g. A is row 2, B is row 3)
offset = 2
Dim d As String
For i = 1 To 481
iValue = 0
' Check if Dom 5 Value
If ((i - offset) Mod 8) = 0 Then
' Data is all in Column K
iValue = Range("K" & i)
If iValue > 0 Then
' 9 because every 8th row. -offset because as the row increases the
' distance to row V decreases
retVal = retVal + Range("K" & i + (9 - offset))
End If
End If
Next i
MsgBox (retVal)
End Sub