Hi, i am using excel 2003 SP3 and i have created a pivottable.

ive created one that is on a new worksheet in a file. It gets its data from 3 other worksheets in the same file. So there is one file in which the data (on 3 worksheets) and the pivottable (1 worksheet) are.

When create the pivottable it looks good and works all the way through. i've change the design a bit. all o.k.

Now when i email it to others users and they open it on their pc or laptop with various versions of Excel, every single one of them sees a blank pivottable. all the design and data are gone. See this image http://www.mobypicture.com/user/rutg...n/view/8977362 .

How can i fix this? i've googled my *** of but cant find an answer to this (simple?) problem..