Excel 2003: I am currently working on SS that opens via task mgr. up dates, this will cause an event to occur, that event then calls a macro that sorts & sends Email, ss then closes without saving. I have some of the VBA I need for all this like the Email part, and I have the sort macro, I do not have the VBA I need that calls the SORT macro based on value in cell. I am thinking it might be possible to just set the sort maco to run as AUTO_OPEN but I need it to occur after the dates change? That value will be 1, column C has static date, column D is column C+30 days and column E is Column D - Current Date giving me a count down. When the count down hits 1, and it will hit 1 because it will be opened by the TASK MGR. so the current dtae will change, eventualy I will have several dates in the SS that will hit 1 on average 50 out of 500 lines, when that happens I need the sheet to call the sort macro, that macro sorts by Column E, really all I need is it to return all the rows with a 1 via sort or filter, then Email me, and then close without saving so that the sort is undone. That is a lot of stuff but in the end if I can make it work it will save me 30-45min each day. But none of this will work if that nasty warning pops up waiting to know if I want to enable macros because it will be waiting on me to respond to the WKB opening, can I disable this warning? Does anyone see any problems with what I want to do?
Thank you