I’m creating a benchmarking spreadsheet that identifies outliers compared the last year’s average units per date/transaction.
A Date can have the same Transaction Code several times, so I need the net Units per Date and Transaction Code.
I tried concatenating cells for Store Name, Transaction#, Product Code, and Date into one cell that appear like this: "Store Name^Transaction#^Product Code^Date" and working it from there. I hit a wall on how to create this.
I tried, but don’t know if wildcards work in these situations.
=COUNTIF($S$6:$S$5000,">="&$O6&"^" WILDCARD? "^"&$P6&"^"&6-365)-COUNTIF($S$6:$S$5000,">="&$O6&"^"WILDCARD? "^"&$P6&"^"&$H6)
What’s the best way to accomplish this with Excel 2003?
Also, what is the best way to include the Units per Transaction and Date with an absolute value greater than 0?
Attached is a sample data set.sample.xls