Conditional Formatting plus a variable from another column

Hi guys,
I’ve tried to look at other similar questions and then modify the answer to suit my need but haven’t been able to come up with anything. I was hoping that someone here could help me with this problem.

First off I don’t know if this is a conditional formatting thing or not, but that’s what I’ve been trying.

I would like a color indicator to let me know if one of my items gets within a month (or 30 days) of the due date. That’s no problem, I’ve been using conditional formatting – formula equals – =(C3-TODAY())<30

Now for the tricky part… It only needs to turn orange when it gets within 30 days and the cell E3 does not equal the word COMPLETED.

If you would be so kind as to bestow your wisdom onto me I would be eternally grateful. Thanks so much.
