
I'm trying to count the unique number of dates a sale was made for a specific promotion. For instance, in the example below, the Tree Sale would have a count of 2 - even though 3 out of 4 attemps resulted in sales, the sales occured only on 2 days: the 5th and the 6th. Similarly, the Bush Sale would have a count of 1 because both sales were made on a single day: the 8th.

Promo	Attempt	Sold	Date
Tree Sale	    1	$100 	3/5/2011
Tree Sale	    2	$0 	3/5/2011
Tree Sale	    3	$200 	3/6/2011
Tree Sale	    4	$75 	3/6/2011
Bush Sale	    5	$80 	3/8/2011
Bush Sale	    6	$0 	3/8/2011
Bush Sale	    7	$125 	3/8/2011
Bush Sale	    8	$0 	3/8/2011
I could create a table with the promo names as column headers, and all possible dates as row headers, and then use sumproduct formulas. But since I'm looking at a year's worth of dates, and scores of promos, this doesn't seem feasible. Is there a more elegant solution?
