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Making a "print-list" from select data in database "main-list"

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    Making a "print-list" from select data in database "main-list"

    I have several people that i meet every week, but there are some small changes from week to week, who i meet. But most of the time its the same people. So every week I make a list of all the people I will meet. (From a list a get from my employer)

    I have to meet them at there place and I have a schedule to keep. So I have the hole data base sorted by what time and place. I get a new list every week.

    So I think i can use Excel to sort this out for meg :D

    I was thinking... As MOST of the data is the same from week to week. I will make a list in Exel...

    The Maine database... "Page 1 / Database" (50 to 70 different places)

    The IMPORTANT thing and what I don't know how to do...

    "HOW do i make a row with the option to mark a candidate for my "print-list" I want Excel to take the people I marked and copy them to the "print-list" and in the order by numbers."

    O | 1 | John Doe | Street 1 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    v | 2 | Doe John | Street 100 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    v | 3 | Sam Doe | Street 19 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    O | 4 | Doe Sam | Street 21 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    v | 5 | Mike Doe | Street 51 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    O | 6 | Doe Mike | Street 71 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    v | 7 | Jim Doe | Street 881 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    O | 8 | Doe Jim | Street 11 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes

    1 Row - Going to "print-list" or not?
    2 Row - What place in the schedule, by time and place (I sort them myself)
    3 Row - Name
    4 Row - Address
    5 Row - Address
    6 Row - Mobile nr.
    7 Row - Remarks about the place
    8 Row - About the person I will meet


    The Route this week... "Page 2 / Print-list"

    2 | Doe John | Street 100 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    3 | Sam Doe | Street 19 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    5 | Mike Doe | Street 51 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes
    7 | Jim Doe | Street 881 | Town 1234 | Mobile | Remarks | Notes

    So in short, I want Excel to make me a printable list of the selected people from my database of all the people I have been to before.

    The reason I need this is to do the "routing" quickly and efficiently. Since I already have done it ones I know what person is first and who is next. So one more is just ONE check to fine out where in the order this person goes. As it is now i re-do it ALL every week. But I know the PC can help me here. But my Excel skills do not match my imagination :D So I was hoping someone has a great way to solve this problem.

    Odd K.
    Busy bee, flying about!
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    Last edited by Oddemann; 03-07-2011 at 12:48 PM.

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