I have the attached workbook that I use to create a weekly schedule. Up until now I would manually create the shifts on Sheet1 and then manually create the Tick sheet for upper management so they can see:
1. The weekly total hours for each employee
2. The Total hours used for the week
3. How many staff are working each hour
With my limited knowledge I was able to create formulas on the manual tick sheet to calculate the information required as noted above. I couldn't figure out how best to automate this but gave it my best attempt. I created a VLookup sheet that contains our shifts and a Concatenated string of what each tick shift would be using the 0hr as a starting point. On the Vlookup Tick sheet I set the 0hr to equal a vlookup of each employees shift using that Concatenated string and then created a Macro that would then use the Text to columns function to place the marked ours in the correct columns. I know that this probably isn't the most efficient way, but as I stated I'm by no means any expert so I try and ulitlize what limited features I know.
This almost works for what i need. The problem I have is that because we run 24hrs some of the shifts overlap to the 0hr to 3hr of the following day. When I run everything as is, whichever shift starts before the 3hr on Tues-Sun has those hours overwritten when the text to column is ran on their previous shift. For example when the macro is run Wiggum doesn't show anything for cells AC13:AE13 because it is overwritten by the text to column is ran on C13.
Is there a way to adapt/modify so that if I run the macro it doesn't overwrite any cell that isn't blank? Or could someone suggest the a more efficient way to do this?