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Excel 2007 : How I implement a code?

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  1. #1
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    Excel 2007

    How I implement a code?

    I have found this code on the internet but I don't know how to make it to funtion.
    Can anyone tell me what do I have to add in the beggining and in the end to make it work.
    Thank you!

    Function SplitText(str As String, iPart As Byte, iMaxChars As Integer) As String
    '  ______________________________________________________________________________
    ' |                                                                              |
    ' |  Wim Gielis                                                                  |
    ' |                                                   |
    ' |  06/09/2007, revised 06/10/2007                                              |
    ' |  Custom function to split text in parts. Words are not broken, and you       |
    ' |         can specify the maximal number of characters in each part            |
    ' |  Also on                                             |
    ' |______________________________________________________________________________|
        Dim arrWords As Variant
        Dim iWordCounter As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim iPartCounter As Integer
        Dim sConcatTemp As String
        If iPart < 1 Then
            SplitText = "Part number should at least be 1"
            Exit Function
        End If
        SplitText = ""
        If str <> "" Then
            str = Trim(str)
            str = Replace(Replace(str, Chr(32), " "), Chr(160), " ")
            str = Replace(str, "  ", " ")
            arrWords = Split(str)
            ReDim Preserve arrWords(UBound(arrWords) + 1)
            arrWords(UBound(arrWords)) = "a" 'dummy to avoid an error message later on
            iPartCounter = 1
            j = 0
            Do While iPartCounter <= iPart
                iWordCounter = 0
                sConcatTemp = ""
                Do While Len(sConcatTemp) - 1 <= iMaxChars And j + iWordCounter < UBound(arrWords)
                    sConcatTemp = sConcatTemp & " " & arrWords(j + iWordCounter)
                    iWordCounter = iWordCounter + 1
                If Len(sConcatTemp) - 1 > iMaxChars Then iWordCounter = iWordCounter - 1
                If iPartCounter = iPart Then
                    If Len(sConcatTemp) - 1 > iMaxChars Then
                        SplitText = Trim(Left(sConcatTemp, Len(sConcatTemp) - Len(arrWords(j + iWordCounter))))
                        SplitText = Trim(sConcatTemp)
                    End If
                End If
                iPartCounter = iPartCounter + 1
                If j + iWordCounter = UBound(arrWords) Then Exit Function
                j = j + iWordCounter
        End If
    End Function
    Last edited by marianmix; 02-27-2011 at 02:17 PM.

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