I was wondering if you can assist me with an issue.
I have reports that i get sent to me in excel format including information such as time and date of a specific occurance. For example specific occurences might happen at 12/29 2:35pm, 12/29 2:42pm, 12/29 2:59pm on this report this infor is all in one column, btw. How can i easily extract the number of occurances in a specific hour of the day without having to manually count. Also, how can i input that information into another table, for examlple showing 3 occurences at 2pm. I feel like I'm going about this wrong and doing waaaaay more work than I have to. I'm attaching samples to show which type of information im speaking of and the desired result.
Test 1 shows the information I recieve
Test 2 shows how i would like the information put together
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.