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Excel 2007 : check for list of substrings with list of strings

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  1. #1
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: check for list of substrings with list of strings

    It would help if you outlined the results - for ex. is the third item in your "Remaining List" to be considered a match or not ? [trees grow tall | tall trees ]

    The answer to the above will (IMO) largely dictate whether or not you should be using VBA.

  2. #2
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    Re: check for list of substrings with list of strings

    Quote Originally Posted by DonkeyOte View Post
    It would help if you outlined the results - for ex. is the third item in your "Remaining List" to be considered a match or not ? [trees grow tall | tall trees ]

    The answer to the above will (IMO) largely dictate whether or not you should be using VBA.
    Initially I just wanted to find phrase matches, this would result in the example you chose not producing a match.

    However, it would be very beneficial if it could find the phrase matches even if the words were not in order, ie so the above would produce a match.

  3. #3
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: check for list of substrings with list of strings

    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyfan
    Initially I just wanted to find phrase matches, this would result in the example you chose not producing a match.
    For the above a "standard":

    =ISNUMBER(LOOKUP(9.99E+307,SEARCH(" "&$A$2:$A$3&" "," "&$B2&" ")))
    where A2&A3 are your top keywords and B2 the first string in remaining list

    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyfan
    it would be very beneficial if it could find the phrase matches even if the words were not in order
    For the above you might want to consider a UDF.

    Below not really tested in depth...

    Function KeywordFound(rngK As Range, rngC As Range, _
                    Optional boolCaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
                    Optional strDelim As String = " ") As Variant
        Dim vK, vKW, lngR As Long, lngC As Long, lngW As Long, vbComp As VbCompareMethod, bMatch As Byte
        vbComp = IIf(boolCaseSensitive, vbBinaryCompare, vbTextCompare)
        vK = rngK
        For lngC = LBound(vK, 2) To UBound(vK, 2) Step 1
            For lngR = LBound(vK, 1) To UBound(vK, 1) Step 1
                bMatch = 1
                vKW = Split(vK(lngR, lngC), strDelim)
                For lngW = LBound(vKW) To UBound(vKW) Step 1
                    If InStr(1, strDelim & rngC & strDelim, strDelim & vKW(lngW) & strDelim, vbComp) = 0 Then
                        bMatch = 0
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next lngW
                If bMatch = 1 Then Exit For
            Next lngR
        Next lngC
        KeywordFound = bMatch
    End Function
    called along the lines of:

    with optional parameters for defining case sensitivity (assumed insensitive) & string delimiter (assumed space) - each of which can be explicitly specified as desired.

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