Good day to everyone. I'm relatively new to Macro excel and I am having problems regarding counting the length of characters in my program.
I have a program that requires 110 fields that has different character limits. For example: Field1 must limit the number of characters by 3, Field 2 must be limited to 10 characters etc. until field 110.
Now I used the LEN argument with this code:
= LEN(A5)<=3
etc. until Field 110 which is cell DF5
I inputted these formula in rows A3 to DF3 (110 fields) so that It will return a TRUE/FALSE statement per cell.
Now my problem is, I have a lot of rows that must be checked and they are all displayed in rows A5 to DF5, A9 to DF9, A16 to DF16 etc. etc.
I need to check all of their character limits per set of row, but there's just too many. Editing will take too much time so I was thinking, Is it possible to use the LEN argument by referencing the active cell?
I was thinking that if I select a particular cell, then my formula's cell reference will change based on the cell I selected.
Like for example, instead of just referencing a particular cell with the =LEN(A5)<=3, can I do something like this: =LEN(ActiveCell.Select)<=3?
Obviously, this formula of =LEN(ActiveCell.Select)<=3 doesn't work, I just used it to describe what I wanted to do. I tried looking at the forum but I couldn't find anything that was like my problem.
I'm sorry if it was long I wanted to be descriptive about it xD Thank you