Hi all,
I have a spreadsheet containing separate worksheet tabs for each month (i.e. Jan11, Feb11, etc), and under each month’s tab is an identical chart designed for collecting incident metrics for the given month. It is designed to be filled out by multiple project managers in the field, but since every program and every month are all kept on the same file, I wanted to make the user entry as easy and foolproof as possible.
What I envisioned was...

When the spreadsheet is opened, it immediately opens to the first worksheet tab “Entry Form” where the following options are displayed:

Select the current month: –here the user will be given a dropdown menu of all the worksheet tab names (months).. this selection will determine which worksheet tab is used for the input questions below (i.e. if the user selects “Jan11”, the input below will be placed in the corresponding cells on the Jan11 worksheet’s chart.

Select your program: –here the user will be given a dropdown menu of all the Program names (column A of the chart on each tab).. this selection will determine the row that the next several values are inputted into (i.e. if the user selects “Program A”, the values they input on the questions below will go into the corresponding cells for Program A’s row.

Based on the two values selected on the two questions above, the questions below will be inserted into the proper linked cells (i.e. if the user selected the month "Jan11” and program “Program A”, the values they input for the questions below will go into row 2 (Program A's row) of worksheet tab Jan11.
1) How many employees are there currently working on your program? (column B)
2) How many injuries have there been so far this month? (Column C)
3) How many illnesses have there been so far this month? (column D)
4) How many Missed days have there been so far this month? (column E)

The responses to the above 4 questions will be inputted directly into the corresponding cell based on the 2 options that were selected previously (current month and program).
I have searched all over but cannot seem to find a way to successfully create this.. maybe I am just overthinking and overcomplicating it, but any ideas?

Thanks so much in advance for any help