i am have a Access DB which gives me the updated status of all the pending bills against customers.

i used Links in excel to auto update a sheet in excel the sheets name is bills.

columns as below

Name Amount refrence no.
ABC 100 0001AB
XYZ 1000 0002AB
EDF 100 0003AB
ABC 1000 0004AB
XYZ 100 0005AB

now in another sheet in same excel file i wanna want to put a formula like = sumif ((A1:A1000="ABC") (C1:1000)

the above formula is supposed to put the ABC's 2 bills and summarize them to 1 field....but its not working, i know my fomula is wrong so i googled it and found something called "sumproduct"

i am not sure how to make a formula which use the 2 bills from ABC and put them in 1 field and also add up those 2 amounts to show me a total.

your help is very much appreciated.
