Hi Excel Wizzards !
I have this long nested IF that I was wondering.. does it need to be so darn long, or can it somehow be trimmed down with smarter formula?
=IF(RIGHT(F19,1)="B","HI RACK "&C19,IF(RIGHT(F19,1)="C","HI RACK "&C19,IF(RIGHT(F19,1)="D","HI RACK "&C19,IF(RIGHT(F19,1)="E","HI RACK "&C19,IF(RIGHT(F19,1)="F","HI RACK "&C19,"FLOOR "&C19)))))
I was thinking something like this would be nice:
=IF(RIGHT(F19,1)={"B","C","D","E","F"},"HI RACK "&C19,"FLOOR "&C19)
F19 is a position in a Pallet Rack. A is 'floor' level, B,C,D,E,F are overhead (hi rack) levels. C19 is the company code that owns the products.