I have entered a Count If function with two criteria on my spreadsheet, yet it is not counting based on my criteria correctly.
Here are some things you may need to know:
My data that is being counted is in a table format. When setting up the formula and selecting the data in a certain column to be counted (using the ctrl and shift keys) it named my range like so: =COUNTIFS(Table1[[#All],[WP]],"< .5",Table1[[#All],[AS status]],"Starter").
It is only counting 21 instances, yet when I sort the data to "<.5" and "Starter" myself, it shows 22 instances.
I have other COUNTIFS counting in the same range, but different criteria, and they are working fine.
Here they are:
=COUNTIFS(Table1[[#All],[WP]],"< .5",Table1[[#All],[AS status]],"Reserve")
=COUNTIFS(Table1[[#All],[WP]],"< .5",Table1[[#All],[AS status]],"Commish")