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Hi Colin, I wasn;t aware you could do that. Could you briefly explain how I can do this?
Suppose your worksheet has a range A1:C6 like this:
Go to another worksheet (where you want the results to be displayed - we will call this the "Results" sheet) and in F1:G2 set up the following criteria range:
This is the range that defines the criteria the advanced filter should use.
Then, in cell A1 on the Results worksheet, type in Value1 (which will indicate that you only want to return Value1 matches from the source data).
Now, with the Results sheet still active:- Go to Data > Filter > Advanced Filter
- Under Action choose "Copy To Another Location"
- Click on the icon next to List Range and then navigate back to your source data and select it. The textbox will fill with something like Sheet1!$A$1:$C$6 (perhaps with a workbook name infront of it)
- Click on the icon next to Criteria Range and then choose the criteria range we set up on the Results sheet; something like this.... Sheet2!$F$1:$G$2
- Click on the icon next to Copy To and choose A1 on the Results Sheet (which is the destination range)
- Click OK
You should get a result like this:
Once you've done the initial set-up it's a 5 second job to refresh the results. You could even automate it with a little VBA if you really wanted.