hi im a beginner in excel and i need an overtime sheet which calculates the hours of
employees with standard and over time rate. But the hardest part for me is that
there are so many conditions which is confusing me.
1)Week start from Sunday to Saturday
2)standard hours are 40/week
3) if it goes above 40 they are entitled for an overtime
4)now there are different rates of hours.
5)std day rate, std night rate, std day overtime rate, std night overtime rate,
weekend day rate, weekend night rate, weekend day o/t rate and weekend o/t night
The hours can start from any day and finish by saturday.
would like to calculate if
1) they work on days, they get paid for days.
2) if they work for nights, then get paid for nights.
3) if the work in the middle they should get paid both night and day mixture
4)as soon the hours hit above 40 , the o/t starts.
5)only those hours need to be calculated for overtime which are after 40 hours. Now
the hard part is , they can be days, nights , or weekends.
I am so confused as I dont know how to get it right.
Any help will be appreciated.