Hi kevironi and welcome to the forum.
Try this. In C2 put this formula and copy it down.
See if this allows you to insert columns and still give the average you want.
On the other hand. I think you need to start learning pivot tables. Put all your dates in the same column and simply add to the data (at the bottom). I'd also separate out the Size into two columns. The first would be dimension (oz, cup, box, can, etc), and the second would be how many as a number (1, 5, 2.3, etc)
This way you could buy Potatos at Lbs and 5.2. This would allow the average price much better. If you repeated your purchases, but used a validation lookup it might be pretty easy to fill in. If all the dates were in column E, a pivot table would be easy and give you averages also allowing sorting and filtering.
hope this helps.