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Looking to target a cell with no formula (without scripting)

  1. #1
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    Looking to target a cell with no formula (without scripting)

    Here is the jist of it.

    One one sheet, I have a long rage of information of stuff you would find in a library: books, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, novels, short stories, etc.. Each type of item has a random number of pages. Let's say Book, Novel, Hardcover has a C2 (pages) value of =(200 + (randbetween, 100,1000).

    On another sheet, I have a long list of dropdown menus calling the range of books via vlookup starting in C1. This calls the book type in C1, and puts the random and other information into C2:C15.

    If I use the next dropdown and call forth the same type of book, it will copy the same randomized number previously called.

    If I have the sheet auto-calculate, they both change to the newly updated random number.

    I want the value, once called, to freeze, and i would prefer to use formula only, and avoid all scripting or macros if possible.


    I have tried coding an empty cell to say =IF(C2>0,C2=C2,C2=0). If the randomized/called number is greater than 0 (if cell is not blank), then the formula in C2 is overwritten by the texted number in C2, else C2 is blank). But this only gives me a value of TRUE.

    C2 is a code that calls the cell with the rand formula. I need to overwrite C2s formula with text, or target it from another cell.

    I hope I have given enough explanation.

  2. #2
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    Re: Looking to target a cell with no formula (without scripting)

    I know a way around it, if there is such a coding for it.

    is there a way for one cell to place a number into a different cell.

    For example, in H16, could I use a formula to place "0" into cell G2?

    So, G2 has NO code in it, just text entered via H16's formula.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Cutter's Avatar
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    Re: Looking to target a cell with no formula (without scripting)

    Short answer: No

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