I have a few questions and will also add in my workbooks for better clarity.
I have separate worksheets within a workbook for each of my techs. Currently I have another workbook to track their sick days, personal days, etc. Is there a way I can combine and track all on their individual worksheets? (I have 2003 excel at work.)
I enter numbers daily into my individual tech sheet which in Column A I have auto filled the dates and I don't always use Saturday or Sunday, at the end of month I am averaging, wondering if I have the proper calculation?
My monthly average for each tech is then carried over to another worksheet (monthly tech sheet) where I have all the techs listed and I can review them quickly by month along with the variances (formula for variance). I was wondering if on this sheet I could add/track sick, personal etc under each techs totals i.e. using column A, B and C row 15 . . . to row 299 or do I need a separate workbook? Is the calculation the right way to enter? Trying to make easy for my boss.
Last question my last worksheet is titled (compare all) this is my year to date worksheet that I was wondering if I could also track the sick days etc. also do I have these formulas correct or am I totally recalculating?
I am hoping my calculations are right or if you have some suggestions so this is easy for my boss to work with.
Thanks for any input and thank you in advance for any help/suggestions.
My workbooks are attached for you to review - I hope by looking at them you can better understand what I'm explaining.