1 Ticket Opened Closed Status
2 12345 1/1/2011 Open
3 12346 1/2/2011 2/2/2011 Closed
4 12347 1/3/2011 2/3/2011 Closed
5 12348 1/4/2011 2/4/2011 Closed
6 12347 1/4/2011 2/3/2011 Closed
7 12349 1/5/2011 2/5/2011 Closed
Okay, I cant figure this one out and I am new to arrays...
I need a formula that picks the unique tickets, then averages the number of days the ticket was open, with the criteria that the ticket is Closed and is <= 2/3/2011 and puts the average is cell E1.
The system may have one ticket, but if we assign 5 units to a single ticket, a report shows all 5 in the report as individual rows. So even though there is a single ticket, taking the average of duplicates skews the information. I hope that explanation of the duplicates makes sense.
Thanks in advance.