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Excel 2008 : excel 2008 problems: macbook pro

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mg9175 excel 2008 problems: macbook... 01-16-2011, 09:53 AM
Richard Buttrey Re: excel 2008 problems:... 01-16-2011, 12:15 PM
  1. #1
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    Excel 2008

    excel 2008 problems: macbook pro

    Problems running excel 2008 on max os seem to be ubiquotous i.e. everybody seems to complain. I can't even cut and paste simple formulas without the omnipotent 'spinning wheel'. Other than scrapping 2008 and installing an updated version, does anyone have a solution? Are there programs out their that will speed up excel 2008 on the mac? I've heard speculation that it's a font problem.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: excel 2008 problems: macbook pro


    I've not heard that, but personally I'd avoid 2008 for Mac.

    I'm a big Mac fan and use it for just about everything else apart from Excel. Not only do you avoid worries about viruses but IMO it's video & audio software is far superior.

    However I've always had great difficulties with all versions of Excel for Mac. The VBA editor is not at all user friendly and you don't get the 'autocomplete' help that you do with Windows versions. In addition some of the VBA syntax is also different and even missing. The .RowSource property for instance. And of course the biggest downside to Excel fro Mac 2008 was of course that it didn't support VBA. Why Microsoft in their infinite wisdom decided this was a good thing is beyond me.

    I here they've re-introduced it in Excel for Mac 2011 but this is one user who is not in a big rush to upgrade, even though I have the odd client or two that has applications written in Mac VBA.

    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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