Originally Posted by
counts cells where other words are present along with the keyword??
You can embed SEARCH or FIND into your SUMPRODUCT, eg:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH('Short Term Issues'!$A$2:$A$100)=11),--(YEAR('Short Term Issues'!$A$2:$A$100)=2010),--ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Leaking",'Short Term Issues'!$D$2:$D$100)))

Originally Posted by
Ill be duplicating the formula for subsequent months, and differant key words in other cells
However, given the above I would say you'll be better off looking for alternate methods to SUMPRODUCT - it is not an efficient formula and should be used in moderation.
We could for ex. create a key on 'Short Term Issues' sheet, suppose column F is free:
'Short Term Issues'!F2:
copied down to F100
We can then dispense with the SUMPRODUCT altogether and revert to the much more efficient COUNTIF approach
=COUNTIF('Short Term Issues'!$F$2:$F$100,DATE(2010,11,1)&"@*Leaking*")
In XL2007 and above we could use COUNTIFS to negate need for helper calcs - in versions prior to that the above technique is useful if you want to maintain a good level of calculation performance.