This isn't the programming forum, but your question clearly states "how to change the value in the original cell based on two matching criteria".
To change the actual value in the original cells automatically requires a macro, VBA. This macro does that:
I've attached your sheet with the macro already installed, you need only put your values in columns A:B and click the button to run the adjuster.
The macro is actually using a worksheet formula to decide which values to change, putting that formula into column AA, then copying the resulting values over the original values in column B.
The formula being used is it in D3 and copy down to see it work:
=IF(AND(INDEX(Sheet1!$D:$D, MATCH('Sheet1 (2)'!$A3, Sheet1!$A:$A, 0))=Sheet1!$G$4,INDEX(Sheet1!$C:$C, MATCH('Sheet1 (2)'!$A3, Sheet1!$A:$A, 0))<Sheet1!$H$4), Sheet1!$J$4, $B3)