First off I presume if you're filtering the data your results table is not to the right of the main table else you'd probably find yourself hiding results as you filter.
Your profile implies XL2007 - is that correct ?
If so, are you using TABLEs or is your data stored in a standard range
A quick fix if you're using XL2007
We'll assume for sake of demo. that the above resides on sheet called DATA and that results are on a sheet called RESULTS
Adjacent to EM3 column on DATA sheet add the following in consecutive columns:
we're assuming F, G & H are EMT1 to 3 respectively and A to hold date
copy down (assuming not using Table)
Again for sake of demo let's assume the above resides in Column Z on DATA sheet... then for results:
where A2 holds name
if you are using Tables you can replace the range reference as appropriate