use this formula in H2 in sheet Sell:
use this formula in H2 in sheet Sell:
snb, your formula is trying to get a result from calculating the weight if the coupon and product type has a match between "Buy" and "Sell", am I correct?
The formula I made in "Sell" H2 is correct in condition if we processed in the same rows.
Based on your formula, Thanks to you I came to this:
Now.. moving on to "Cash Balance"![]()
How do we fill the date, from "Buy" and "Sell sheets to A2:A32 automaticaly?
Each total from K2:K32 in "Buy" goes to Output
Each total from I2:I32 in "Sell" goes to Input.
cfr. the attachment
Last edited by snb; 01-03-2011 at 04:25 PM.
Hi snb,
What I'm trying to make will look like the this attachment.
So, total from "Buy" or "Sell" will be put in sequence by the date in "Cash Balance".
Each will be separated in different row.
cfr. the attachment.
In the balance sheet all data form sell and buy will be inserted.(64 rows)
After that you can sort this balance sheet (A1:F65) on date (menu/Data/sort).
That will definitely work if you sort correctly:
select A1:D63, menu/Data/sort
or using a macro
Sub sort_snb() Sheets("Cash Balance").Range("A1:D63").Sort Range("A2"), , , , , , , xlYes End Sub
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