I have a cell that requires the SUM of 5 SUMPRODUCTS.
The 5 SUMPRODUCTS are checking for criterias in the same column (ex. A) and summing the quantities in the same column (B).
It's currently setup like this,
[criteria 1]*[sum criteria 1]
[criteria 2]*[sum criteria 2]
[criteria 3]*[sum criteria 3]
[criteria 4]*[sum criteria 4]
[criteria 5]*[sum criteria 5]
Since it's summing the quantity in the same column, in theory, couldn't I combine it?
[criteria1]*[criteria2]*[criteria 3]*[criteria 4]*[criteria 5]*[sum quantity column B]?
can anyone help me with the formula?
I'm trying to optimize this so it's faster calculation in excel.