
I have an array formula that gives me the results I want but it is slow, and as I need to use it many times (around 60 instances or so), in it's current form it's unusable! can anyone help me refine it?

=INDEX(PerfData!$B:$B, SMALL(IF($B$2=PerfData!$D:$D, ROW(PerfData!$D:$D)-MIN(ROW(PerfData!$D:$D))+1, ""), ROW(A1)))

I am looking up a name from a list box (b:2), finding all matching instances of this name on another worksheet (PerfData, column D:D), and then returning the number listed in the corresponding cell in another column (PerfData, column B:B).

Is there a faster way around this? I'm sure there must be, as this doesn't seem to be a particularly complicated thing that I'm trying to do, but my Excel skills aren't strong enough!
