Hi, I am kind of new at Excel and everything I've done so far has been trial and error. Emphasis on the error portion of that last sentence. Anyways, I've got everything that I want done, minus this one formula. I have 2 columns, one is a due date and another is a completed by date. The due dates will automatically format red if it goes overdue and stay that way until someone enters text into the completed column. The due date then removes all of its formating. I have a 3rd column for total overdue. In that column, I have input the formula: =COUNTIF(A1:A20,"<"TODAY()). This formula counts all the overdue dates regardless of the completion status. I was wondering if there was a way to have that COUNTIF statement subtract the completed events by using something along the lines of =IFTEXT(B1:B20)= True, subtract one from Overdue Total?

1 Due Date - Completed - Total overdue
2 Dec 1, 2010 - Nov. 30 - *Don't count this one
3 Dec 5, 2010 - *count this one

I hope that helps. Thanks for any help you can give.
