Hello! First Post, Glad to be here!
Ill get right to it.
I am looking for a way to consolidate data from multiple cells and return an answer based on the data collected from the multiple cells.
The best example I can think of would be to use the zodiac signs.
You enter your Birth: Month in A1, Date in B1.
Lets say D1 is the cell your answer will return to.
How do I make D1 Call up the correct Zodiac Based off of the month and date provided
I am at a loss for how to approach the task because there are 12 variable answers all based off of ranges.
If you
input: Aug - 23
result: Virgo
Input: Jan - 30
Result: Aquarius.
I know there would be a lot going on, and I am sure Ill have to create some sort of data base. But again,,I'm L.O.S.T..
Thank you for reading and for all the help that is given.