I want to copy an entire worksheet into another workbook, basically I create a new workbook, we will call it Master Log, and I have 2 other workbooks called Log1 and Log2, ok so I want to take the essential data out of Log1, and the essential data out of Log2 and import it directly into this "Master Log" workbook.
So it sounds easy, I copy the format to the new work book, open a new worksheet name it similiar to the one I want to copy and then go to cell A1 and say =Log1 (Master)!A1 and then drag across and down, so all the cells are cell referenced....and then I repeart this process into another sheet and viola, it works, everything looks pretty good; however, because all the cells are referenced, I can't sort by data, as there is all equations in the cells....ugh
So I have a couple of issues, first of all,
is it possible to delete all cell referencing but keep the initial data, without having to copy/paste special it manually into another worksheet? Is there a macro that will perform this task? Keep in mind, users are going to continually use the other worksheets, and I want to show the results into this master sheet, but at the same time, I want to be able to sort through this data.
Is there a cleaner way to copy a page, without all these cell references?On a similar note, is it possible to have a dynamically copy similar to dynamic ranges, so as you add data the work sheet,(keep in mind this data is pulling from 2 seperate workbooks) it automatically updates the page? Because of the formatting of the cells, when I have a Date and once I surpass the rows being used, it returns the 1/1/1900 in column A down about 5000 rows, and 0's in the rest, and when I try to sort the data, by date, everything is thrown off?!?
Now as you can see in the example, my front page (with much assistance from jaslake) is able to pull data by date, so if I want to look at one date or a week of data, I have the flexibility to do that, but it only works, if these cells are not formatted with the "references", as you can see. If you would take the information from Log1 (master) and copy it directly into Log1 and do the same for Log2, you will see it will work flawlessly. Just do not delete these 2 sheets or then the macro will be "wacked"...then you will need to start over with the original file.
Also, I was thinking about putting some active buttons at the top of the page, that would sort the information by columns without having to go to the sort option. So if you clicked on cell B2, it would sort by Line, if you clicked on C2 it would sort by SKU, if you clicked on cell D2 it would sort by Error Description, etc. I had played around with the thought of adding a Tab Strip, and trying to add the macros to this and naming each Tab a "sort by" field, but only to save space...not sure if any of this will affect the outcome of what I would like to accomplish in the long term...so figured I would ask in advance if this will affect how the outcome?
Ok as always, any suggestions tips ideas advice, is appreciated, until then I will keep moving forward with this on my own, and update my progress...Thanks