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Offset Function error with asteresk

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Offset Function error with asteresk


    I am trying to use offset and match together to create a lookup on a spreadsheet of unsorted numbers. The cells cannot be sorted due to the formatting that the cells are in. I am pasting the contents of the worksheet from another program into my reference worksheet (TH Att Det Master Rprt). Then I have an input sheet that searches for imputed text and cross references the reference sheet. The formula is as follows:

    =OFFSET('TH Att Det Master Rprt'!$A$1,MATCH($D2,'TH Att Det Master Rprt'!A:A,0)*2,6,1,1).

    The Value I am checking is in D2 of the originating sheet, and I am asking it to scan all of column A:A in the reference sheet to find the value in D2. I need it to offset a total of 5 cells down, but when I enter the offset value it will not allow me to enter anything greater than -1 without requiring an asterisk before it. Up until and including entering 1 the formula works as expected, moving down 1 cell per increment, but as soon as I enter in 2 (*2 really) it jumps to a random cell in the page. I cannot find out why it is doing this. Could someone help?


  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    The *2 is doubling the row offset. Explain why you want to do that again?

    Why not just use VLOOKUP?
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    I do not want to do that... that is the problem! I did not know how to find out what cell the offset was going to... I thought it was 10 down, but when I altered that cell my offset result cell did not change. It apparently was interacting with a cell 3000 cells down!!! But, if I changed it from 2 to 1, it would interact with the appropriate cell (I checked this to be sure). I want to use the nested Match and Offset functions because I need it to find a value vertically and then from there use many versions of the formula to grab information offset up and right, down and right, and accross and right from the resulting cell that was 'matched'. I was told that with VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP I would be limited with my results because after finding the cell that I am looking for it would only be able to move in 1 direction to pull data, not two. IE:

    Cell to be found : a1
    Cells needed to be found with alternate formulas: b3, c8, d2, etc.

    The only difference between what is above and my sheet is that I am looking over 8000 vertical cells and then moving between 5-10 cells up, down, and right to the data I need (6 alternate expressions of the formula are all being made; all have the same problem).

    What makes this worse is that it seems to be a problem with nesting the formulas together... I have noticed that if I do a direct reference or type in the value I am looking for into the formula without the MATCH function that the formula works and excel does not try to enter in an asterisk, but when I use the MATCH formula everything goes to hell. I do not know another solution to the problem, and using the match formula has worked in the past.

    Oh, another information tidbit: the cell D2 is pulling data off of the exact same formula going to another spreadsheet. It is working fine, but the spreadsheet I am trying to do is not.

    Thanks for looking at this; I spent hours at work trying to find a solution myself before seeking superior intellects! (A chimps' gotta try, right :D)


  4. #4
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    Quote Originally Posted by kelzud
    The Value I am checking is in D2 of the originating sheet, and I am asking it to scan all of column A:A in the reference sheet to find the value in D2. I need it to offset a total of 5 cells down
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    if you wish to offset by 6 columns change 0 to 6 (per the formula in the OP)


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    or again - if you wish to retrieve value from column G rather than A (ie offset by 6 columns)

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    Point being - OFFSET is Volatile - if you have lots of these then depending on a number of other factors in your model you may experience slowdown in calculations.
    INDEX is not Volatile and might be preferable on that basis - despite the slightly longer syntax.

    For more info. on Volatility see the link in my sig.

  5. #5
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    Thanks for the post,

    I am not sure if I am understanding this, but the index function will allow me to shift left or right a certain amount of cells, but I need to find a cell, say A10, and then pull the value B11, which is offset both right and down by 1. I do not think that I can do this with match.

    A B C D E F
    Ex 1 Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5
    blank Data 6 Data 7 Data 8 Data 9 Data 10
    blank Data 11 Data 12 Data 13 Data 14 Data 15
    blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank
    Ex 2 Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5
    blank Data 6 Data 7 Data 8 Data 9 Data 10
    blank Data 11 Data 12 Data 13 Data 14 Data 15
    blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank

    So in this Example I need it to scan through Column A, find Ex 2 (it is a reference #) and then search for Data 11, Data 13, and Data 15. Those require going both right and down, not just one or the other.

    This info is being transfered to a sheet that looks like this:

    Ex 1 Data 6 Data 12 Data 3 Data 15
    Ex 8 Data 6 Data 12 Data 3 Data 15
    Ex 4 Data 6 Data 12 Data 3 Data 15
    Ex 2 Data 6 Data 12 Data 3 Data 15
    Ex 3 Data 6 Data 12 Data 3 Data 15

    The Examples are not sorted due to the blank cells between them (5-10 rows of blank cells between Ex 1 and Ex2, etc).

    Previously, in the sheet below, I searched for Data 11in Column B, and then I would use offset to look up and to the left or right. This worked fine. As soon as I try and use the same formula to go downwards and to the right or left, however, I get an asterisk and an error.

    A B C D E F
    Ex 1 Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5
    blank Data 6 Data 7 Data 8 Data 9 Data 10
    blank Data 11 Data 12 Data 13 Data 14 Data 15
    blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank
    Ex 2 Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5
    blank Data 6 Data 7 Data 8 Data 9 Data 10
    blank Data 11 Data 12 Data 13 Data 14 Data 15
    blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank

    If using nested index will let me offset vertically and horizontally from a matched cell at the same time, then I think it will work. I just dont know how to do that. Thanks for taking the time to look at this. I hope I am describing my problem properly.


  6. #6
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    Quote Originally Posted by kelzud View Post
    I need to find a cell, say A10, and then pull the value B11, which is offset both right and down by 1. I do not think that I can do this with match.
    You adjust the MATCH result (ie add/subtract a given integer from the result based on requirements).

    You have examples of both OFFSET & INDEX approaches in my prior post. I suspect you will find OFFSET easier to deal with in terms of syntax.

    If you want people to review data etc post a file.

  7. #7
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    Thanks for the post,
    I am attaching the sheet to this post. I think this might be over my head today, but I am trying to get it. I put descriptions of each column on SHEET0, and what I am trying to accomplish. Thank you so much for the input; I do not really understand how the match index functions will help, and I am sure that is because I do not understand them fully. SHEET0 is going to have 100 entries max, most of the time lower than 20, and it is just an inventory request sheet. Thanks in advance,

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by kelzud; 12-05-2010 at 02:38 PM.

  8. #8
    Forum Guru DonkeyOte's Avatar
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    David, below would be my suggested formulae:

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  9. #9
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    Re: Offset Function error with asteresk

    That last post almost brought a tear to my eye. Yeah, it worked. The F2 value was referencing a different value than needed on a different sheet, but when I looked at my comment it was because I was not clear. I figured out how to manipulate what you wrote out to give me the desired result, but I do not know the real idea behind the solution or how to replicate it again... so I have some studying to do!!!

    Thank you again for all of your help,

    David Sondergaard

    Oh, do you know a place where there are good excel tutorials in progression from beginner to uber hacker?

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