I am trying to use offset and match together to create a lookup on a spreadsheet of unsorted numbers. The cells cannot be sorted due to the formatting that the cells are in. I am pasting the contents of the worksheet from another program into my reference worksheet (TH Att Det Master Rprt). Then I have an input sheet that searches for imputed text and cross references the reference sheet. The formula is as follows:
=OFFSET('TH Att Det Master Rprt'!$A$1,MATCH($D2,'TH Att Det Master Rprt'!A:A,0)*2,6,1,1).
The Value I am checking is in D2 of the originating sheet, and I am asking it to scan all of column A:A in the reference sheet to find the value in D2. I need it to offset a total of 5 cells down, but when I enter the offset value it will not allow me to enter anything greater than -1 without requiring an asterisk before it. Up until and including entering 1 the formula works as expected, moving down 1 cell per increment, but as soon as I enter in 2 (*2 really) it jumps to a random cell in the page. I cannot find out why it is doing this. Could someone help?