Progress report:
I am going to try to go with formulas because I think that is your preference
First - remove the zeros from the score areas
In Cell E77 place this formula:
Drag that formula across to Cell U77
In Cell E78 place this formula:
In Cell F78 place this formula:
=IF(AND(F72<>"BY Week",F74=""),"",IF(F72="BY Week",E78,IF(F77=E77,E78+1,1)))
Drag that formula across to Cell U78
In Cell B78 place this formula:
="("&INDEX(E77:U77,1,COUNT(E78:U78))&" - "&INDEX(E78:U78,1,COUNT(E78:U78))&")"
That should give you the current overall Streak
I'll get back to you when I have more - the "Honey Do List" beckons