Why not just store the Sheet1 values on Sheet2 ?
If you want to replace the HYPERLINK function calls with static links then you will need code to iterate and replace etc...
Public Sub Example()
Dim rngC As Range
Dim lngEndPos As Long
Dim strURL As String, strFriendly As String
For Each rngC In Sheets("Sheet2").Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).Cells
With rngC
If UCase(Left(.Formula, 11)) = "=HYPERLINK(" Then
lngEndPos = InStrRev(.Formula, ",")
strURL = .Parent.Evaluate(Mid(.Formula, 12, lngEndPos - 12))
strFriendly = .Text
.Hyperlinks.Add .Cells(1), strURL, , , strFriendly
End If
End With
Next rngC
End Sub