I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for a filtering project I need to do. I'm dealing with several large spreadsheets of data (about 12 columns and several thousands of rows) holding information about customers. I need to be able to apply a filter to the company name column against a list of 189 company names that cannot be sold to. If one of the 189 company names appears in the list of customers, the whole row (all of that customer's info) should be deleted. I have tried doing this already by using the regular filters and deselecting the 189 company names that mustn't appear, but since this is fairly time consuming, I'm wondering if there is a way to set up a filter that refers to another sheet where the 189 companies are listed. This would avoid having to deselect all of them each time, and would reduce the chances that one is accidentally missed. The filter should be able to be applied to multiple spreadsheets as more customers are generated.