I'm trying to create a formula to calculate my commission structure based on volume and fee and am having a little trouble finding the best way to go about it.
Commission % is based on the following 3 factors:
Funded Fee
Fee Kitty
Volume is the first calculation for table below whereas first number is volume and 2nd number is %:
Less than 120000 8
120000 10
170000 15
195000 17
220000 18
245000 20
270000 21
295000 23
320000 26
Fee kitty comes into play with the next formula
If funded fee <= $10,000 then Commission will be adjusted UP if fee kitty >=$1500 or DOWN if fee kitty <$1000
If funded fee is $10,000 to $15,000 then Commission will be adjusted UP if fee kitty >=$1500 or DOWN if fee kitty <$500
If funded fee >= $15,000 then Commission will be adjusted UP if fee kitty >=$1500 or DOWN if fee kitty <$0
I'm kind of at a loss of how to proceed. I can easily write a nested if/and to come up with the first part but adjusting it up or down is slightly more difficult. I suppose if worst comes to worst I can write an insanely long if/and statement to work it all in there but didnt know if there was an easier way to go about it.