I'm trying to conceptualize a formula and am hoping that there is a simple solution that I'm not seeing. I have searched around and can't find a soltion on the site based on my search criteria...(I may well be using the wrong criteria) Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

This is an overly simplified version of what I'm trying to accomplish.

It would involve a list of fruits on one sheet and sentences on another sheet. I want to find the fruit from the first sheet in the sentence on the second sheet and retun the fruit type to the second sheet to the next cell.

Sheet 1
1 Apple
2 Crabapple
3 Mango
4 Pear
5 Papaya

Sheet 2
1 The apple does not fall far from the tree. (returns) Apple
2 It is not time to eat the Pear. (returns) Pear

I'm trying to figure out how to write the formula to return the Column B on Sheet 2.

I've considered VLOOKUP, Search, Index and Match functions but can't seem to pull it out of my brain as to how to do it because the value I need to search for is nested in the text string of the sentence. Thoughts?